Friday, 8 February 2013

Psychedelic salvo

I bought this dress last summer but this is the first time I've actually worn it.
I really love the psychedelic print but every time I tried it on I would always find fault with the ensemble and the dress would go back on the hanger.
Stupid stuff like the colour of the tights didn't quite match or the shoes looked wrong with it. 
Some days I'm the biggest fusspot about, I race around the house trying to get dressed but everything I put on just feels wrong and the house ends up looking like an explosion in a thrift store.
Strangely today it just all seemed to come together.
I’m sure I’ll be back to my old fusspot self tomorrow, sitting in the hallway in front of my  open wardrobe screaming…
“It’s quarter past nine & I’m still only in my frigging pants, what the Mongolian clusterfeck shall I wear”?!

Repro 60s PVC coat, vintage 60s psychedelic dress, vintage 70s boots, layered tights, necklace that I make myself, a sequin beret and gloves, I was clever enough not to leave them behind this time ;)
Now, I have a question to put to you all...
If you had to choose in-between wearing only plain colours or only loud prints for the rest of your life, what would you choose? 
There is no way I could spend the rest of my life wearing only plain colours, I love my prints too much.
I'm sure you've already seen Vix's post and beheld her in all her "fucking blinding" glory.
We have a lot of bland blokes like the one she describes in her post round these parts too.
Personally I can't think of a less inspiring get-up than a grey jersey tracksuit & I kind of feel sorry for those who choose to solely dwell inside such soul destroying clothes when there is so much variety in the world. 
An infinite pick-and-mix of fabulous styles, colours, textures, prints & fabrics...
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone in the face of such abundance would opt for a grey jersey tracksuit?!
Myself, I'm a self-confessed print addict and I much prefer to live my life swathed in loud colours & larger than life prints.
When I'm done here, I want to be buried in a sequin embellished, psychedelic print coffin with rainbow coloured, crushed velvet lining.
Not that I'm hankering for the grave, far from it!
I feel more full of life today than I did ten years ago and as odd as it may sound, getting older has made me feel younger in many ways, I may not look it but you can't have everything ;)
Now I have some exciting news...
I'll be selling my wonderful vintage threads at the boogaloo at the end of this month :)
Jet-Marie the awesome chick who runs the Can't Buy Me Love vintage jumble sale contacted me the other day to say that she still had a space available for this month....HUZZAH!
So if  you happen to be lurking around in the area of 312 Archway Road, North London on Saturday the 23rd please come and see me.
Affordable vintage clobber, retro tunes, beer and cake...what more can you ask for on a Saturday ;) 
I'll do a couple of posts in the near future to show you some of the stuff I'll be bringing with me on the day.
Here's the flyer that I borrowed off  the 'Cant Buy Me Love' website...
I'm chuffed to bits cause this will be my first ever proper vintage jumble, first of many I hope ;)
The weekend is upon us yet again, hasn't this week just swooshed by?!
Have a fabulous Friday peeps and thanks again for all your wonderful comments, they truly warm the cockles of my wee heart so they do.
Lot's of love,


Anonymous said...

Fortunately there is a middle ground. I prefer non-patterned fabrics because I get tired of patterns, but I would NEVER wear a boring grey tracksuit.

thorne garnet said...

Funny you should ask that question. I sitting here tonight wearing an old oversize gray wool sweater, it's damp and cold and I don't want to turn the heat up. Under it I'm wearing a crazy printed orange top. I pick the crazy prints!

Helga said...

Amen to that, sister! I'm all the fecking way with you on the loud print factor. I'd rather be dead in a ditch than wear "LBDs" or any kind of frigging tracksuit!!! (They're for SPORT only!!!) Psyhedelic coffins here we come!
I love this frock, incidentally, and you've accessorised it to perfection. I often have a nancy over not having the right shade of tights or whatever to go with something! "What the Mongolian Clusterfuck shall I wear" has frequently been uttered (although not in those exact words) loudly from my lips. Spoilt by choice, dammit. Whatever it IS that I utter exactly, I don't know, but in future it will always be your words.......

Trees said...

I want to wear ALL the patterns & colours!!!

I can't imagine being stuck wearing plain clothes for the rest of my life.

I count myself lucky that I work in an office where anything goes, I think I would lose part of myself if I had to wear a plain suit each day.

I love your frock and I love it when something sits in the wardrobe for ages then you're finally hit by inspiration and work out to wear it perfectly. I love your beret too - I really want one like that when winter comes around.

Becky said...

PRINTS motherfuckahhhhh!!! I love your dress-- it looks amazing with the patterned tights and leather boots. I have a pair of vintage Italian leather mid-calf boots that look close to that color and I love them. I'm busting out one of my psychedelic maxis for Saturday night and this just got me excited about wearing it. That jumble thing sound awesome and I would totally go if I was there!
Becky :)

Penny-Rose said...

Oooooh I love the dress! I laughed at your description of getting dressed and if it feels wrong it ends up on the floor or in a pile or craziness. I like patterns and I like plain too. But if I had to choose then it would definitely be patterns. Did I already say how much I love the dress??? The jilted jumble sale sounds awesome and I am looking fwd to seeing the photos.

Olga Rani said...

The dress is amazing! And the tights and boots are just right with it. I like to wear plain colours sometimes but if I have to chose the choice would be bright prints!

freckleface said...

My degree is in printed textiles, so there is only one choice. PRIIIIIINTS. I get very excited over a good print, the louder the better.

You've got a great look going on there with your amazing print dress and your glittery beret. And as for your line in expletives, well, you are obviously a very creative young lady!! xxx

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Oooooooh I do like Helga's idea of a psychedelic coffin, yes please when the time comes! I'm glancing at two of my clothes racks and I don't see many prints there ... but I do see many, many embellished fabrics and colour, colour, colour. So, for me, I love seeing prints being worn, but I think I prefer to wear huge BLASTS of colour. The thing is though, I love prints, I just haven't got many ... I'm so glad you put together this gorgeous outfit, your frock is completely glorious and I'm having spasms over your beret!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I have a serious crush on your dress, and it looks fabulous on you with the accessories you've chosen. I'm super attracted to dresses like that but can never find 'em, sigh. I love patterns but I also love solid brights mixed together, so I couldn't possibly decide between the two, but I hear you on the grey track suit thing: I'd rather be hunted down by a mob of fashion derelicts and made to wear, oh I dunno, a scrunchie or something equally horrendous, than be seen in something like that!

Anonymous said...

Un vestido muy bonito!!!

Constance said...

Amazing dress!


Vix said...

I love that dress, you've accessorised it to perfection, the sequinned hat, the stunning coat and the right tights...well worth the wait!
I know exactly what you mean, I'm by no means a perfectionist but the wrong earrings or tights can totally transform a dress. I'm ashamed of the mess I leave my room in when I leave the house some mornings.
Colour and print all the way! I feel un-me in anything less! xxx

Monsterchen said...

omg i love this dress to pieces, the red is so vibrant and i love how it matches with your sequined gorgeous hat, this is my new favorite outfit of yours!
and i´m like you sometimes haha i have stuff i bought months ago and never have worn because i thought i have not the perfect tights or belt for it...

Lucys Lounge said...

a great outfit.

Unknown said...


Loud prints of course! no dull colors for me-I have to adjust right now because of all these stupid corporateinterviews...but couldn't live without prints and colors!

I too can't figure some days what to wear and my walk in ends looking like a bomb exploded hahaha
and other days it goes smoothly!

I have 3 dresses like yours, love them to death but a bit puzzled when it comes to styling...

You did great love the styling!

Have a great weekend


Sharon said...

Hi there!! Great outfit and you so suit prints! I do love prints too, more so in the summer! The jumble sale sounds great, best of luck!!


LOve the psychedelic print :)

Mrs. D said...

Lovely print!
Like one of those inspirational photos I saw recently said - life is too short to wear boring clothes!

Anonymous said...

This is such a gorge print! :) suits your skin tone and hair colour very well x

tanaya said...

Colour, print, embroidery, sequins, loud, bright and completely not blending would be my happy place aka closet...Love your blog and dress to bitts :D