Hello again ;)
I've not been making much noise in the blogosphere over the past week cause I went over to visit my folks in Sweden.
Every September around the time of my BURFday my sister, my niece and I do a fun run.
For the past three years we "ran" the Adidas 5K womens challenge in Hyde Park but this year we decided that it was time for a change.
So instead of 5K in the big smoke we signed up for a 10K run in Stockholm.
I did a bit more training this year than I have done previous years but I still totally surprised myself when I managed to complete the run in just under the hour, what a buzz I got!
Needless to say I was cream crackared when I got to the finish line but I did run like a ferret on Whizz the last K...something kicked in and inside my head the Bill Conti Rocky movie soundtrack tune started blaring out...
I spent a few days in Orebro with my folks before the race and eat like uber-pampered horse, my mum is getting amazingly good at vegan cooking now. I think that at first she thought it would be impossible to cook without dairy but she has always been a masterful cook and she is very creative in the kitchen so she's actually putting my own culinary efforts in the shade now.
Whilst in my old hometown I also visited my old favourite second hand haunts, Myrorna and Bra & Begagnat.
I didn't buy much, just a couple of craft books and some folksy looking wallhangings.
As per usual I took a heap of photos and I'll finish this post off with a medley of pics from my little trip...
The weather was great, it was like an Indian summer. I had brought a hat, scarf & gloves just in case. |
A chair that I fell in love with at Bra & Begagnat in Orebro. 295:- Swedish Kronor is roughly £29. |
I didn't fall in love with this little fellow quite so much but he's very quirky that's for sure. |
Some friendly locals test sitting the armchairs and having a chinwag. |
Some very odd art, not sure what to make of it?! |
At myrorna in Orebro you could get kitschtastic stein mugs for 15:- Swedish kronor which is roughly a quid each. |
The proudest daughter alive...me & my brilliant dad! |
Fun Run & it certainly was ;) |
We stayed with our brother who lives outside Stockholm and he treated us to a Chinese meal after the race. |
On the Sunday we went walkabouts in Stockholm. Last time I visited the capital was almost twenty years ago but it hasn't really changed that much from what I saw anyway. It's mushroom season at the mo and judging by the sheer quantity of freshly picked chantarelles on this particular stall it's been a very good year for mushies. |
Being the second hand magnet that I am, I managed to sniff out a bric-a-brac & vintage clothing market in the center of town. There were some quite nice vintage frocks up for grabs at rather reasonable prices too, ranging from approximately £7 to £25. |
The bric-a-brac was priced for the tourists, so definitely not in the same realm as the pocket friendly car boot sale prices I'm used too. |
Then we went to the old town or as it is known to the natives me included 'Gamla Stan'. |
This is the prettiest part of Stockholm in my opinion with its impossibly narrow, cobbled streets and attractive old houses. |
I'm smiling here but my feet are actually starting to kill me at this point. Cobbled streets & heels (no matter how low) are not a good idea...EVER! |
On the facade of a house in the old town. |
I love the colours, when the sun shines the houses look even more spectacular. |
Swedish people love bikes and these old ones are like gold dust. |
I'm not a supporter of any monarchy... Swedish, British or otherwise...a bunch of gits that get made into statues for pigeons to shit on...whoop-de-doo! |
MISSING...Have you seen Snuff?! |
Part of a shop window display in Stockholm. |
That wraps up my medley of pics.
It's my BURFday today, so I'm chillaxing but tomorrow it's back to work!
I've got a fair few listings to go up on eBay, funky jumpers & blazers galore :)
Until next time, frock on folks!
Lot's of love,