In the late 70s I used to watch an animated program on Swedish telly called 'Fabrorn som inte vill va stor' which translates to 'The man who doesn't want to be a grown up'.
The story is about a 32 year old man who works in an office but spends most his days escaping into dreams about being a kid again.
Here's the opening score...
The idea of never wanting to "grow up" is one that has been quite prevalent in my own life.
It's not that I'm immature or shy away from responsibility but I've just never been able to buy into the whole "You're an adult now, stop doing fun things" malarkey.
If it makes you happy surely you should continue doing it regardless of what age you happen to be?!
The way I see it climbing a tree, having a go on the swings or playing dress up shouldn't have a "best do before date", that's just bullshit!
When I was working at a nursery school in 2003 the other ladies would roll their eyes as I ran around with the kids playing.
They'd just stand there like playground police, intermittently shouting orders at the kids whilst regurgitating all the crap they'd watched on the telly the previous night.
I'm not one for just standing around and I will find work for myself, if other people struggle to.
Getting involved in the games that the kids were playing made the eight hour working day go a whole lot quicker than if I had just sat on my ass, chin-wagging about absolute nonsense.
I still love swinging around lampposts and walking on walls & balancing on bollards.
Do I ever fear the disapproval or ridicule of others?
Over the years I've become rather indifferent to what other people think cause in the grand scheme of things they don't really matter.
Thankfully Mark is very similar to me so I don't have to be a completely lone "loon" skipping down the street vaulting over obstacles and swinging off railings.
Vintage jacket, 60s pleated mini dress, tulle skirt, 90s floral lace leotard, 90s scrunch textured leggings, boucle baker boy cap, DM boots & Frocktasia Earrings and necklace. |
I'm dreadfully behind on my blog reading this week but I'm hoping to grab a few hours later to catch up on what you gorgeous peeps have been up to :)
We went to the awesome Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons near Holborn today.
Unfortunately you are not allowed to take photos or film but you can check out some of the rather ghoulish exhibits here.
Hope you are all having a fabulous & funderful weekend.
Today's tune is by The Ramones, enjoy :)
Loads of love,