Showing posts with label Portobello Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portobello Market. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Pricetags & KATI frocks

This morning something really lovely landed on my doorstep; a parcel containing this fabulous vintage 70s frock...
I've recently bagged four dresses by the same label, namely 'KATI at Laura Phillips'.
Two of them I won on eBay and one I bought from my vintage dealer friend. 
One is still in the post & it's actually the same as the one below but in navy.
When I went to Portobello Market last Friday I actually spotted this dress on one of the stalls there, the seller was asking a whopping £70 for it.
So personally I wouldn't recommend Portobello Market as a place to go bargain hunting but for inspiration it's a cracking place.
How much would this frock cost at Portobello Fashion Market...I wonder ;)
I was scouring the net earlier for 'KATI by Laura Phillips' frocks and I found quite a few on eBay, etsy and various other vintage clothing retail sites. 
I've stuck a heap of links below if you want to click around and have a wee peek on what's up for grabs out there in virtual vintage land.
I did find one frock with what I thought was a 'piss take' rather than a 'price' (and it was in the sale)...
I'm sure you will figure out which one I'm on about if you have a flick through the links but most of the frocks are more than reasonably priced and there's even one up for grabs from the very lovely Liz over at vintage-a-peel...
it's a beaut, I think you'll agree?!
Here's another 'KATI' frock that I bought on eBay last Christmas...
I'm not the only one who likes to wear a 'KATI' frock though!
Here's the always über stylish Vix in two of her 'KATI' wonders...
She bagged the blue one from 'the 20p man' at her local Wednesday market...
that chap wouldn't get very far at Portobello, the other traders would have his guts for garters ;)
Here's that list of links for your perusing pleasure, 
each one will take you to a 'KATI at Laura Phillips' frock:

The last one is the same as the one I bought on eBay, obviously they must have made a shedload of these cause that's the fourth I've seen in one month ;)
 I hope my other 'KATI' arrives tomorrow, I can't wait to try it on in blue ;)
Lot's of love,
YOWZA, go Jessie J :)

P.s. Darlings don't forget to enter the That's my bag! giveaway,
it finishes on Thursday evening ;)